Click over the Request Additional Info interaction block to display the menu, then click Add a filter to display a new filter line. 单击RequestAdditionalInfo交互块以显示菜单,然后单击Addafilter以显示新的筛选器行。
This command instructs vi to display a line number against each record in the file you are currently editing. 这个命令让vi在当前编辑的文件中的每个记录上显示行号。
Add a line break before the second through fifth labels, and change the width of the Split Container to800 pixels so that the label and field will display on the same line. 在五个标签之中的第二个之前添加一道分割线,并更改SplitContainer的宽度为800像素,这样标签和区域将会在同一条线上显示出来。
If user wants to see only a particular line in the buffer, then LIST followed by line number will display that line contents on to the console as shown in the example below. 如果用户仅想看到缓冲区中的某一行,那么后接行号的LIST会将该行内容显示到控制台上,如下例所示。
In order to display one Product line per page, a page set is created within the Page explorer which groups on Product line. 要在每页显示一个Productline,在Productline上分组的Pageexplorer中创建一个页面集。
Although not necessary, you will find it convenient to have an editor that can display line numbers, because any errors detected in the validation phase will be reported by line number. 虽然不是必须的,但是由于在检查阶段发现的错误是按照行号报告的,所以编辑器能够显示行号将非常方便的。
This code should display on one line in the file. 此代码应该显示在文件的一行上。
You can also use error messages to your advantage because they display the exact line of code that threw or generated an error. 也可以用出错消息为自己服务,因为它们会显示抛出或生成错误的正确代码行。
You will use this dialog box to create a named calculation that you will use to display the full product line name instead of the cryptic name. 您将使用此对话框创建一个命名计算,该命名计算将用来显示完整的产品系列名称,而不显示加密名称。
Colour terminal display production line 彩色终端显示器生产线
We will display our newest line of televisions during the expo. 我们将在世界博览会上展示我们最新的系列电视。
It seems like we display a new line of products every week. 好像我们每周都在摆设推出的产品。
The different information is implemented to clear and steadily display by using of time-shared display with line by line scanning and interlaced scanning in a raster picture. 一幅光栅图形中的逐行扫描与隔行扫描分时完成并使不同信息获得清晰稳定的显示效果。
Specifies the column in which the editor is to display a vertical line. 在编辑器的指定列显示一条垂直线。
Sony yesterday reported increased losses in its games and television divisions and said its liquid crystal display model line was inadequate and its annual sales goal for the PlayStation 3 might not be met. 索尼(Sony)昨日宣布其游戏与电视部门亏损加重,并表示,其液晶显示器生产线开工不足,PlayStation3游戏机的年销售目标也可能无法实现。
When researchers set up a display featuring a line of exotic, high-quality jams, customers who came by could taste samples, and they were given a coupon for a dollar off if they bought a jar. 调查者陈列出一排异国风味的高品质果酱,经过的顾客都可以尝试一下样品,并且他们还获得一张购买果酱便宜一美元的赠券。
Reflection of display elements about a line or plane. 显示元素再现在相对于某一条直线或某一个平面的对称位置。
But the PLC cann't provide the user with the dynamic display of production line's state messages or the output of the report forms, however utilizing the industrial computer ( EPC), the users can develop convenience graphical interfaces, with the support of numerous software. 但PLC没能给操作者提供动态的生产线状态参数显示和报表输出,而工业控制计算机有着十分丰富的商品软件支持,可以开发出用户直观方便的图形操作界面。
A state machine with 28 states is designed in the CPLD to realize the digital channel display, time line display and trigging position display. 在CPLD里设计了一个具有28个状态的状态机来实现数据通道显示、时间线显示和触发位置显示。
CAI product generated by this method occupies little memory, is with high displaying precision, and is able to display background and line's color, to adjust the width of drawing line. 该方法生成的演示课件具有文件占用空间小、显示精度高、显示背景及作图线颜色、线宽等任意可调的特点,便于个性化设置。
In the method, toll time display of transverse first line in cross-tab was accomplished with embedding function of data window. A provisional data table with one register was designed to select dynamically year and to do data statistic of the year. 该方法的关键,一是利用数据窗口的内嵌函数使交叉表横向表头只显示缴费时间,二是设计一个只有一个记录的临时数据表实现动态地选择年份进行该年的数据统计。
Discussion about the Technique of 3D Display on the Contour Line 等高线三维显示技术的探讨
The apparatus can modify the PID parameters and print the varied display pictures on line. The system management tool with real time control ability can be implemented in the real time dynamic state. 本系统可在线修改PID等参数,在线进行定时或随机打印各种显示画面,系统管理软件均在实时动态下完成,具有较强的实时控制能力。
Taking the display of local transmission line for example, the method to develop the function of distribution network topological analysis is described. 最后以局部线路显示模块为例介绍了利用所建模型开发配电网络拓扑分析功能的方法。
This paper studies basic theory and methods of 3D contour line visualization. The major content of this paper includes the gain methods of discrete data, model building of 3D display of contour line. In the modelling methods, it discusses Grid model and TIN model. 本文研究了等高线的三维可视化显示的基本理论与方法,主要内容包括离散数据的获取,等高线三维显示的建模,讨论了规则格网(Grid)模型和不规则三角网(TIN)模型的建模方法。
Display of High-thermal Line Along Meridian on Body Surface of Experimental Cholecystitis Rabbits 实验性胆囊炎家兔体表循经高温线显示
By axial surface, coronal section, sagittal place and 3D bone reconstruction analysis, CT picture can accurately display the fracture line, the separation and displacement of fracture and the damage state of peripheral soft tissue also can be acquired. 通过轴位、冠状位、矢状位以及3D骨重建分析,能清晰、准确地显示骨折线,并对骨折的分离、移位及周围软组织的损伤情况均可准确地了解。
Localization research of train faults display on Guangzhou Metro Line 1 广州地铁一号线列车故障显示器国产化研制
The paper studies the principle and method of designing a supervisory system of the power supply. The communication protocol, the data transferring mode, the data storage and the dynamical display on line are discussed. 研究电源监控系统SuPow的设计原理和方法,从系统的工作原理出发,有针对性地研究了系统的通信协议、传送方式、数据存储方式以及界面实时动态显示等。
The software can real-time display the spectral line after smooth it; It can read and write the spectrum on multichannel; The factor definition of the spectral line; The parameters enactment of the equipment. 包括经过平滑后各种谱线的实时显示;多通道读取和保存光谱;谱线系数标定;设备参数的设定。